For a more 
everyday life


Lancing Device

Vaccum Technology
Ease the pain

Soft Touch is a blood sampler that offers premium quality, extra value and vacuum technology.

test 1

Soft Touch

Packaging for store

For soft touch, there are lancet needles in cardboard available.

The lancing device can also be used with existing standard lancet needles.


Never give up.

February 2017 everything changed. Our family received the news that our youngest son Milton, 5 years old, has been diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. We chose as a family, despite this challenge, not to let diabetes control our lives.

Since 2017, we have strived to create the best conditions for Milton to be able to live his life like other children. The hardest moments have been all the needle stick that we need to do to check, calibrate or measure Milton's blood sugar levels.

As a father to Milton and with my experience in developing products, my aspiration has been to explore and create products that can make my son's everyday life easier.

I am then happy that our lancing device soft touch is the product that I see that can change the unpleasant painful occasions of having to take a blood sample, to a better everyday life.

6 months with diabetes and the first steps are taken towards daring to own our own everyday life, by going on a family vacation. It was a constant use of a crude lancet device.

Blood sugar levels are very difficult to control and when technology doesn't quite keep up, you have to carry out your own checks with a lancet device.

Not every day is perfect, but we do the best we can and together as a family.

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